Settings of the model hierarchy function ​
The expression HIERPROFILE introduces the model hierarchy's definition. A name (HierFunctionname) can be entered for the model hierarchy function.
The model hierarchy function is based on an arrangement function already defined. The name (Functionname) of the arrangement function (see PROFILE) is specified by the expression use.
The parameter HIERMODELTYPE specifies the model type's name (Modeltypename) originating from which the model hierarchy has to be generated. The name of the model type (UseModeltypename) on which the resulting model is based should be entered into the expression usetype.
The model type for the resulting model (UseModeltypename) also has to be selected in the arrangement function referenced (Functionname).
In HIERCLASS the names of those classes (Classname) are entered in the inter-model references for which a subordinated model for the model hierarchy are defined. The attribute (Attributename) of the class specified in HIERCLASS, in which the inter-model reference is entered, is specified in HIERATTRIB.
In HIERUSECLASS the name of the class (UseClassname), and in HIERUSEREL the name of the relation (UseRelname) which has to be used for the graphic representation of the model hierarchy is specified. By use of relturn you can reverse the direction of the relation used (UseRelname) in the representation of the model hierarchy.
The name of the model referenced is entered into the attribute (UseAttributename) specified in HIERUSEATTRIB.